Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Real Chow Baby

I absolutely love this place. Reservation or not, it’s always crowded but undoubtedly worth the wait. It’s on Howell Mill road, just off 14th Street. What’s so special about The Real Chow Baby? Well you create your own stir-fry, of course.

You choose what goes into your stir fry from a mind boggling number of items, ranging from types of water chestnuts to Malaysian noodles to salmon. There are varieties of noodles, rice, vegetables, sauces, meats, oils and garnishes to choose from. You pile all you can into your bowl and the chefs stir-fry it for you. The waitress will hand you a little ‘paddle' right in the beginning on which you write your name on. Once your stir-fry is ready, she will bring it to you at your table. The best part; well you can go back to the buffet table as many times as you want. Though both times that I’ve been there, I’ve been stuffed upto my eyeballs the first time round itself.

Don’t go by the looks of the place from the outside. It may seem a little ‘ghetto’ and you maybe tempted to turn back. Don’t though, you wont be disappointed.

The picture, that was the last time I went there; with S & A. Girlfriends, nostalgia and noodles, great combination.