Thursday, October 25, 2007

Rosa Mexicano

Sitting prettily in Atlantic Station, Rosa Mexicano brings to you Mexican food with a difference. It isn’t your usual challuppas and enchiladas, actually it is all of that but with a whole lot of panache. It apparently belongs to a chain – Rosa Mexicano LLC and this one is the first to open up in the south.

This restaurant will always be a very special place for me. This was the place of an important 'first'. Honestly, I can’t quite remember what I ate. I do know that whatever it was, it tasted real good. The décor; that I do distinctly remember. As the name suggests, the color scheme is red and pink. The wrought iron fixtures on the wall and the mellow lighting are probably meant to lend an air of old-time Mexico. The ambience; a mix of romantic and friendly. Not the overly hush-hush place where you can hear the scrape of every knife but not bustling and noisy either where you can’t hear each other speak.

The best way to end your meal, would be with a quite stroll around Atlantic station, if the weather’s just right, you can’t go wrong with that.

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